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  • Installing Nginx Server as Reverse-Proxy for Apache [Multiple Websites]

    Installing Nginx Server as Reverse-Proxy for Apache [Multiple Websites]

    Nginx or engine X is a free and open-source web server, reverse proxying, load balancer, caching, and more. Apache isn’t the only web server for hosting web content (although, it is the most used),

  • Installing and Using dig in Ubuntu

    Installing and Using dig in Ubuntu

    dig is an awesome utility for querying DNS name servers. It performs DNS lookups and displays the answers that are returned from the name server(s) that were queried. In this guide, you'll learn how

  • Securing Nginx Server Using (Let's Encrypt) [Ubuntu]

    Securing Nginx Server Using (Let's Encrypt) [Ubuntu]

    In this guide, you'll learn how to use secure your Nginx server for free with Let's Encrypt, this way, you can ensure your websites are encrypted and available over HTTPS. Let's Encrypt provide free

  • Installing and Configuring Nginx

    Installing and Configuring Nginx

    Nginx or engine X is a free and open-source web server, reverse proxying, load balancer, caching, and more. Apache isn't the only web server for hosting web content (although, it is the most used), N

  • Securing Apache Server Using a (Self Signed Certificate) [Ubuntu]

    Securing Apache Server Using a (Self Signed Certificate) [Ubuntu]

    In this guide, you'll learn how to use SSL to secure Apache, this way, you can ensure your websites are encrypted and available over HTTPS. By default, Apache configuration listens for traffic on por

  • Securing Apache Server Using (Let's Encrypt) [Ubuntu]

    Securing Apache Server Using (Let's Encrypt) [Ubuntu]

    In this guide, you'll learn how to use secure your Apache server for free with Let's Encrypt, this way, you can ensure your websites are encrypted and available over HTTPS. Let's Encrypt provide free

  • Installing Additional Apache Modules

    Installing Additional Apache Modules

    If you want to add additional modules for Apache extension. You can install additional modules, for example, you can install module to add support for PHP, and the likes. Run the following command to

  • Changing the MariaDb Configuration Files

    Changing the MariaDb Configuration Files

    You can tune MariaDB to your liken using the MariaDB’s option files. The default MariaDB option file is called my.cnf on Unix-like operating systems (i.e Ubuntu, Debian, and the likes), if you are

  • Installing MariaDB (Ubuntu)

    Installing MariaDB (Ubuntu)

    MariaDB is an open-source relational database, and a fork of MySQL by the original developers of MySQL. The database structure and indexes of MariaDB are the same as MySQL. So, you can easily switch

  • Installing, Understanding and Configuring Apache (Ubuntu)

    Installing, Understanding and Configuring Apache (Ubuntu)

    Apache is an open-source cross-platform web server software by Apache Software Foundation. To install apache, simply install the apache2 package as follows: sudo apt install apache2 Confirm apache2

  • Installing Security Updates in Ubuntu

    Installing Security Updates in Ubuntu

    To begin installing security updates, the first thing is to update your repository index, which would instruct the server to check all lists of packages that are new or out-dated. Update your repo wi

  • Securing Nginx Server Using a (Self Signed Certificate) [Ubuntu]

    Securing Nginx Server Using a (Self Signed Certificate) [Ubuntu]

    In this guide, you'll learn how to use SSL to secure your Nginx, this way, you can ensure your websites are encrypted and available over HTTPS. By default, Nginx configuration listens for traffic on

  • Understanding Load Average In GNU/Linux

    Understanding Load Average In GNU/Linux

    Load average is the average number of processes that is calculated over a period of time, they can either be in a runnable or uninterrupted‐able state. When a process is in a runnable state, it is

  • How to Rename Files and Directories in GNU/Linux

    How to Rename Files and Directories in GNU/Linux

    Renaming file and directory is quite straight forward in GNU/Linux, in this guide I'll show you how to do just that... The mv command is among the useful utility for renaming, and moving files from o

  • Beginners Guide To Using (htop) In Ubuntu

    Beginners Guide To Using (htop) In Ubuntu

    In your server, there are lots of ways you could view a system resource usage, as well as the ability to kill a misbehaving or resource hog processes, for example, you can use the kill command to gra

  • Dealing With Misbehaving Processes in Ubuntu

    Dealing With Misbehaving Processes in Ubuntu

    If you are used to the Windows system, you would have likely come across a misbehaving application, which can most likely be killed using the Task Manager. This is similar in GNU/Linux, the only diff

  • Installing and Using (Zip & Unzip) In Ubuntu

    Installing and Using (Zip & Unzip) In Ubuntu

    Zip is a compression and file packaging utility, this is useful for packaging a set of files for distribution; for archiving files; and for saving disk space by temporarily compressing unused files

  • Understanding & Scheduling Tasks With Cron [Ubuntu]

    Understanding & Scheduling Tasks With Cron [Ubuntu]

    I previously wrote a tutorial about managing system processes in ubuntu, where we walked through starting, stopping programs, and the likes. In some cases, you may need an application to perform a ta

  • Managing System Processes (Daemons) In Ubuntu

    Managing System Processes (Daemons) In Ubuntu

    System processes or Mr. daemons are processes that run in the background on your server, most of the time, they start automatically when your server boots. An example is the OpenSSH Daemon (sshd) whi

  • Monitoring Memory Usage [Ubuntu]

    Monitoring Memory Usage [Ubuntu]

    Understanding how GNU/Linux manages memory is not quite that black and white, but it's really straightforward if you can get the concept. free command is one of the useful utility for monitoring mem