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  • Laravel - Basic Routing & Controllers

    If you haven't read my guide on Creating a Tiny PHP MVC Framework From Scratch then you should do that immediately, the concept of the guide applies to the way things work in Laravel behind the scen

  • Laravel Blade Templating Engine

    In our last guide, we discussed the basics of Laravel routing and controllers, in this guide, you'll learn how to customize your Laravel views with the Blade templating engine. So far, here is my vie

  • Laravel - Edit and Delete Data (+ User Authentication)

    In this guide, you'll learn how to edit and delete post data in Laravel, before proceeding you should read the previous guides as this guide would be the continuation, here are the previous guides:

  • Guide To Laravel - Model and Database Migrations

    I don't know if you have read my guide on Creating a Tiny PHP MVC Framework From Scratch where we create a tiny MVC framework in the hope of understanding the concepts of how major frameworks imple

  • Building Dependency Injection and The Container from Scratch in PHP

    In this guide, you'll learn about dependency injection and a way to build a simple DIC (Dependency Injection Container) in PHP using PSR-11 from scratch. First, What is an Ordinary Dependency? This

  • PHP Pluggable and Modular System – Part 2 (Implementation) [Event Dispatcher]

    In the first series of this guide, we discussed the theoretical aspect of building a pluggable system in PHP, I wrote a bit of code in that guide plus a couple of stuff you should avoid, you can lear

  • PHP Pluggable and Modular System - Part 1 (Abstract View) [Observable and Mediator Pattern]

    If there is one thing that is brutally confusing to me ever since I started coding, it would be a way to not only implement a Modular system but a way to make it extensible (adding and removing plugi

  • Best Way To Implement a Non-Breaking Friendly URL In PHP or Laravel or Any Language

    I was working on the link structure of my new Laravel app, and out of the blue I said: "What would happen if a user changes the slug of a post?" First Attempt - 301 Redirection The first solution I t

  • Creating a Tiny PHP MVC Framework From Scratch

    Creating a Tiny PHP MVC Framework From Scratch

    In this guide, we would go over creating a tiny PHP MVC Framework, this would sharpen your knowledge on how major frameworks (e.g Codeigniter or Laravel) works in general. I believe if you can unders

  • PDO: Querying Data From Database - PHP MariaDB/MySQL

    PDO: Querying Data From Database - PHP MariaDB/MySQL

    In this guide, you'll learn how to query data from a MariaDB database using PHP PDO, plus an understanding of how the nuances work. So, here are the details... I have a table cmusicin marn_melodicd

  • Abstract Classes, Interfaces and Traits In PHP

    Abstract Classes, Interfaces and Traits In PHP

    So far, we've covered OOP basics in PHP, and Static Methods, & Properties, in this guide, we would cover abstract classes in PHP. What is an abstract class? Just like I explained in the OOP basi

  • Static Methods and Properties In PHP

    Static Methods and Properties In PHP

    We've recently dived deep into the basics of Object-Programming language in PHP, in this guide, we would look into static methods and properties. In the OOP guide, I said class describes the concept

  • Object Oriented Programming Intro in PHP

    Object Oriented Programming Intro in PHP

    We recently went through the understanding of functions in PHP, well, that is one way of writing a PHP code, and the other way is using objects. In object-oriented programming, objects include data a

  • Arrays in PHP

    Arrays in PHP

    An array is an orderly arrangement of a collection of multiple values, that is the basic explanation I can up with. You can think of them as a collection of values stored in a specific variable, and

  • Guide To Functions In PHP

    Guide To Functions In PHP

    In this guide, we would look at functions in PHP...so...first Intro To Functions Functions are modular building blocks for creating powerful and modular scripts, using function makes it easy to isol

  • Control Structure: Guide To Learning Loops In PHP

    Control Structure: Guide To Learning Loops In PHP

    In our previous guide, we've seen conditional statements in PHP that lets us alter the program flow base on conditional choices, in this guide, we would look into the different types of loops in PHP

  • Conditional Statements In PHP

    Conditional Statements In PHP

    Conditional statements alter the program flow, and by using a conditional flow, you can make your program make choices about what should happen based on certain conditions. We can achieve this by usi

  • Getting Started With PHP (Introduction)

    Getting Started With PHP (Introduction)

    This is my first PHP guide on this blog, and in this guide, we would go over the introduction of PHP, but first... What is PHP? PHP which is a recursive acronym of Hypertext Preprocessor is a dynam

  • Exploring Data Types, Variables and Operators in PHP

    Exploring Data Types, Variables and Operators in PHP

    In PHP or any programming language, a data type is an attribute of data that tells the interpreter how the programs intend to use the given data. PHP supports a couple of data types of which are inte